

Geo-referenced sound data are often used in the field of acoustics education to learn about the urban acoustic environment. Published in SI on Urban acoustic environment in Urban Science 3(4) 111 (2019) Smaller caliber suction sizes and nonsuctioning techniques should be utilized for in‐office aural toilet to reduce noise trauma and patient discomfort. 001) and the addition of liquid in the ear canal during the suction process generated louder dB and dBA sound levels (P <. Using larger diameter suctions generated louder dB and dBA sound levels (P <. Otologic suctions positioned closer to the tympanic membrane resulted in louder sound levels, but was not statistically significant (P >. Sound levels generated from ear canal suctioning ranged from 68.3 to 97 dB and 62.6 to 95.1 dBA. In the wet condition, the ear canal was filled with fluid and completely suctioned clear to determine sound effects of suctioning liquid from the ear canal. Sound measurements were made with common otologic suctions, size 3, 5, and 7 French, within the external ear canal at the tympanic membrane, 5, and 10 mm from the tympanic membrane in the dry condition. Unweighted decibels (dB) and A‐weighted decibels (dBA) sound pressure level measurements were recorded using a retrotympanic microphone in cadaveric human temporal bones. To determine sound levels resulting from aural suctioning of the external auditory canal. In either case, the change in noise level was small, and it was difficult to conclude which case was true. As the results are almost the same as those from during the state of emergency, we can infer that either the noise level was reduced in June to a level that was almost the same as that during the state of emergency, or the noise level after its cancellation in May was possibly higher than usual. In this note, the measurement results of noise levels in June 2020, a few weeks after the cancellation of the state of emergency, are mainly reported. This note presents the results of a follow-up survey in the same area to provide some more examples to gain an insight into the acoustic environment in this area. In a preceding report (UCL Open: Environment, 2020 1 6), an example of results on changes in the acoustic environment from a local-scale survey in a quiet residential area during and after the 'state of emergency' due to COVID-19 pandemic in Japan is presented: the noise level was 1-2 dBA lower during the state of emergency, which is smaller than reported from large cities. These maps, overlaid on a campus facilities map, can become tools to support the appropriate mitigation actions. This is a spatial analysis technique that allows for the elaboration of sound level density maps, defined spatially and temporally. The measurements acquired in 20 at the Fisciano Campus at the University of Salerno were integrated with the kernel density estimation. For this study, the “NoiseCapture” application developed in France by CNRS and IFSTTAR has been utilized. The sound sensing system, indeed, enables mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to become a low-cost data collection for monitoring environmental noise.


Starting from an analysis of several crowdsourcing noise data collection tools, this paper focuses on the definition of a methodology for data analysis and mapping. This challenge should be a concern to policymakers, who must issue regulations and define the appropriate actions for noise monitoring and management, and citizens, who must be sensitive to the problem and act accordingly.


To reduce environmental noise pollution and to safeguard people’s well-being, it is urgently necessary to move towards sustainable urban development and reconcile demographic and economic growth with the protection and restoration of the environment and the improvement of the quality of human lives.
